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Here is an opportunity to do something that will


Impact The Community!


Help Melissa make a difference


There are many ways to volunteer,

from walking door to door to hosting fundraising events.

Here are ways you can help:


Getting to know someone is best in a small group setting where you can interact more personally and have the time to talk and ask questions without interruptions.  It's also more relaxing in a small group setting where people know one another and engage in a conversation instead of questions and answers.


Hosting a house party is easy!  Just pick a date that works for you and Melissa and invite a few friends over to get to know Melissa and what she stands for.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just friends getting to know a new friend.  Inside or outside is fine, even a barn will do!  Just connect with Melissa by any of the means available on here or social media for a date that works for you. Looking forward to meeting you!


While Melissa is the candidate, it takes a lot of people to get the word and message out.  Volunteers are vital to any campaign and Melissa can always use more volunteers to help in her campaign.  You don't have to have any prior campaign experience or knowledge.  Just a desire to help and belief in Melissa's candidacy.


Volunteering is easy!  Just connect with Melissa and her team via any of the connection links on this page or via social media.  You can go door to door, volunteer at an event, help put out signs, put a sign in your yard, put a big sign in your truck, work the polls, or host an event.  You can work as little or as much as you have available.  Believe it or not, campaigning is fun! Join us!


Running for office is expensive!    Melissa is seeking election in FOUR COUNTIES!  That is a lot of ground to cover in five months.  Donations help pay for ads and signs and events to quickly get the word out. ANY amount helps. Thanks for donating to get the word out!

Join Melissa's Campaign

MAY 21, 2024

Thanks for submitting!

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