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"I and my husband are lifelong residents of Walker County and active members of the Northwest Georgia community. Our families are large and have been in this community for decades.  We are raising our children here and we believe in community involvement and action.  Having an understanding of the people who stand before you as a judge by knowing who they are and where they come from is very important in assessing a case.  Rulings must adhere to the law and interpretation should be with an eye toward the community values for fair and impartial application."



 Only experience and respect for the parties, the process, the law and the Constitution can reach a fair and impartial outcome.  I have experience in representing parties from all walks of life in virtually every type of action; judicial experience in listening to disputes and ruling fairly and impartially; and, experience in providing mediation and guardian ad litem services that enable the process to move more quickly and more thoroughly through the system.   


While being a lawyer has been in the forefront for me, I saw a need for our community to have more services available to them as they navigated the justice system. I spent many years developing and assisting others in developing programs for our community so that families and victims could be better served by the system.  I also am involved in the faith community as well as local groups such as Boy Scouts of America. I believe that having a strong community is what makes all of our families healthy and happy.


I strive to treat everyone with respect whether as a client, an opposing party, litigant before me or parties seeking assistance in getting a successful resolution to their case.  It is important to me that I understand a person's perspective and outcome needs in their case.  I do my best to allow to hear a person's side of the story.

Knowing someone's perspective and story enables me to apply the facts as presented to the law.  You must do this as the rule of law requires litigants to have the law applied to their unique facts for the proper outcome each and every time, fairly and impartially.  



Litigation is often very long and protracted.  It is always a fine line between moving cases through the system quickly and making sure everyone is heard and all facts are known.  Our present system in the Lookout Mountain Judicial Circuit is in need of improvement in how we value litigants' time in scheduling cases and hearing them.  Working with the various entities involved in the court system, we can make our system less burdensome to those who come to the courts seeking justice.

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